Julia bites. her sister. often. This is a problem. We checked this book out from the library recently in order to address the issue. The book has simple dialogue and reiterates that "teeth are not for biting" several times over in the book. One page says "Ouch! Biting hurts." and a child is crying; Julia seemed to get the idea. After reading the book once with her, she was reading it herself and saying "biting, no no" while shaking her head no. The book offers alternatives to biting - "get a hug from a grownup, chew a chewy toy, take a cold drink", etc. It also talks about what to do if you are bitten (don't bite back, talk to a grownup) which is nice because Lucy was of course right beside me while I was reading this book to Julia and was able to identify with that page. I was happy that it told her what to do also (go hug a grownup as opposed to screaming and hitting her sister). I wouldn't necessarily recommend buying this book if you don't have biting issues, you wouldn't want to plant any ideas in anyone's head; but its been very helpful for us! There are other titles in the series including "hands are not for hitting", "germs are not for sharing", "feet are not for kicking", and more. They are all sturdy board books with nice colorful illustrations. In fact, I think we'll check out the germs book next....