Emma and her dog Shu-Shu are going to visit the king, bearing gifts. Along the way they meet people in need and end up giving away the King's gifts. When they finally arrive, the King is thrilled and a discussion ensues about giving to others. At the back of the book is a website thekingsadventure.com where you can go and find opportunities to give things to people in need (water, chickens for food and farming, etc).
I love the concept of this book and plan to explore it more with Lucy and Julia as we approach Christmas. The website still says "coming soon", so we haven't been able to visit yet. The book reminded me somewhat of a Dora episode with a moral at the end. Not a bad thing, but I think some of the elements of the story could have been further developed. At the end of the book the people Emma helped turn out to be angels, which might confuse my girls. I think this book will lead to some great discussions in our family and look forward to reading it more as the holiday season approaches.
Disclosure: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.