Monday, September 28, 2009

Week 3 - MFW K, Sun

Here are a few highlights from the week... (These are just some extra things we did along with our My Father's World curriculum. Click on the blog roll button on the right to see other MFW blogs.)

It was actually cloudy and cold all week, so we had trouble making a sundial and our grapes never shrank into raisins. One sun activity that worked for us was to put chocolate chips in a plastic bag and put them outside to melt. Once they were melted, we squeezed the chocolate out onto a cracker for a yummy snack.

Lucy enjoyed completing the "S" page in her Cuisinaire Rods book.

We are charting the weather on a graph for a few weeks:

We learned that the sun is a big star, so we did a few star activities as well. I put star stickers on black paper and the girls used a white crayon to connect them to make shapes. We looked at our star Fundana and then went outside at night to look at the stars.

Books we read:

Sun Up, Sun Down by Gail Gibbons - great information book!
Sun Bread by Elisa Kleven
Under the Sun by Ellen Kandoian
Bear Shadow by Frank Asch
What the Moon Saw by Brian Wildsmith
There's No Place Like Space by Tish Rabe
"S" in the Christian Liberty Nature Reader K (about snakes)
VHS - All About The Sun

What Lucy learned:

"Um, I learned about the letter S. And I learned about the sun."
Mom: "What did you learn about the sun?"
"How big it is (giant!)."
Mom: "What else did you learn about the sun?"
"That its hot. And about everything in my school."

Lucy's favorite part:

"Everything. Those little blocks, but I liked everything though." (Cuisinaire rods)

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