Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Garden Update - End of Summer

So.... my garden ended up being a bit of a disaster. You can see its beginnings here and an update here. Our tomatoes didn't do well, and our small plot became overgrown fairly quickly. We did harvest a few zucchini, made some pesto sauce with our basil, and Lucy ate as many cherry tomatoes as were ripe whenever she checked. We also had an heirloom sweet pea tomato plant that grew tiny little tomatoes - I think she ate 100 or more of those. Our strawberry plants look like they are doing well; we had a few strawberries that were delicious and we're looking forward to next year when we'll have more.

I'm not sure what happened to my carrots, but they didn't grow very well. We finally harvested them and they are all pretty small. I was able to use a few of the biggest ones, but we only got a few bites out of them. The onions didn't really grow either. We only had a few peppers grow, and used them in our fresh salsa. Oh well, it was a good try!

We're really enjoying the fall colors here right now. My mum is gorgeous (it comes back every year on its own), and the big tree in our front yard is amazing. Its a huge Maple with bright red, orange, yellow, and green leaves. We just added a few more bird feeders to the front tree since the squirrels seemed to have taken over the one that is right outside our window.

Happy fall, hope you're enjoying it as well!


  1. Your garden turned out a bit like mine! lol However, I think you did a little better on yours though because we were able to eat anything from my garden lol

  2. Thanks, I guess that makes me feel a little better? lol
