Anyway, on to the birth box. If you saw my post about our "nursery", I mentioned the birth box sitting in the corner of my bedroom. This contains all of the items necessary for the birth that I have gathered together. Some of these are required by our midwife, others are things that I added for my own comfort.
I have:
lots of disposable bed pads
disposable padded underwear
(in the bathroom I also have Seventh Generation pads for use after the birth)
gauze pads
olive oil (for perineal massage as baby is crowning)
trash bags
comfrey leaves (for soothing afterwards)
Emergen-C packets
baby nose bulb
a tennis ball (for massage during labor)
two old towels
receiving blankets
squeeze bottle (from the hospital, for rinsing after the birth)
after-ease herbal tincture for after pains
newborn outfit, diaper, and hats
Earth Mama Angel Baby stuff, soo nice to have on hand:
postpartum bath herbs
nipple butter
bottom balm
bottom spray
booby tubes
Other/ not pictured:
waterproof bed pad
set of old sheets to put on the bed
small mirror
arnica tablets
arnica massage oil (Weleda brand)
large water bottle with a straw
I put witch hazel on a couple of maxi pads and put them in ziploc bags in the freezer. These will be for postpartum use and soothing those sore parts.
We have an exercise ball in the living room that I will use for getting comfortable during labor.
My bath tub! Esther was born in the tub, simply because I couldn't get out and she was coming fast. It made clean up easy and birthing in the water was quite comfortable. I think I will end up going that route again, depending on how fast things are moving.
Is there anything else I should have on hand?