Monday, August 30, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday - Numbers

To celebrate Muffin Tin Monday today, we had a fun snack.  Our tin consisted of sweet pea tomatoes, string cheese slices, sesame sticks, cashews, craisins, and pretzels.  We took turns rolling the die and choosing that many pieces of snack from the tin.  Lucy's favorite were the little tomatoes and Julia kept choosing pretzels.  They both enjoyed rolling the die and counting out the snack pieces.

We started school (at home) with Lucy last week and she could hardly wait through the weekend to continue her lessons today!  Here is our first day of school picture:

I'm off to bed now, but have lots of fun bloggy posts coming up soon so be sure to check back!
Happy Monday!


  1. So cute! Love your tin idea! I have never seen tiny tomatoes like that before! Very neat!

  2. Are those tomatoes really sweet? Where did you get them?! :)

  3. yummy tin - i like your idea with the dice.

  4. What a great game! I love how they got counting practice.
