If you're checking in with us for the first time this week, I'm running a series of reviews of cloth training pants. You can find my first post on the topic here, a review and giveaway of Diaperaps here, and a review of Imse Vimse here. Today I'm reviewing Mother-ease cloth training pants.
Mother-ease is yet another cloth diaper company started by a mom looking for a better way to cloth diaper. They've been in business since 1991 when they began by working out of the basement in their home. Mother-ease products are made in Ontario, Canada, and their factory uses 100% green power. (Very cool!) They are committed to "exceeding customer expectations with original designs including natural and organic cloth diapers while leaving a minimal carbon footprint."
We chose a size small in the wetlands print for Julia. As you can see from the pictures, its a bit puffy on her. She is small for her age at 22 lbs and 32 inches tall, and this is the smallest size Mother-ease offers in training pants. The training pants are available in white or one of five different Eco Theme prints. The prints are absolutely adorable, we had trouble choosing only one. Each of the prints represents an environmentally sensitive region throughout the world with playful art depicting their species and habitats. You can see the prints and read more about each one here.
Although the training pants are puffy on Julia, they actually work very well. They will hold a pee without leaking, and the elastic is snug but not too tight around Julia's legs and waist. She can pull these up on her own and loves to look at the cute print. Her clothes are already sized to fit over cloth diapers, so her pants do fit over these just fine. The training pants are made of soft knit cotton terry with a thin layer of natural cotton sewn inside. The outer layer is made from the same waterproof polyester as their wraps. We've found these to be sturdy and well made.
Since Julia still wears some diapers, I throw these in with the diaper laundry, but I've also put them in with a regular load of our clothes. You can see Mother-ease's wash and care recommendations on their website. While you're visiting their website you can also read more about the environment and cloth diapers, watch videos of how to adjust their one size diapers, or check out their introductory offer of a cloth diaper, cover, and snap in liner for a special discounted price (limit one per customer). I'm tempted to order a set for the new baby as I have a friend who absolutely loves the airflow covers, but I haven't tried them on my kids yet.
The training pants can be found here and are affordably priced at $13.50 each. If you do choose to place an order with Mother-ease, they ask that you mention my blog just for record keeping purposes. Thanks Mother-ease!
Keep checking back later this week for more reviews and two great giveaways.