Saturday, September 26, 2009

Cloth Training Pants Reviews and Giveaways

This week I'm going to be doing a series of posts reviewing several brands of cloth training pants. Snap-EZ, Motherease, Diaperaps, and Princess Julianne's Closet sent training pants for me to review. I had purchased an Imse Vimse trainer earlier this year so will include that in my reviews as well. There are several giveaways this week along with the reviews, so keep reading!

I had never used cloth training pants before now. When my first daughter Lucy was ready to potty train we waited until she was dry most of the time and then bought one package of disposable pull-ups for the transition. She was fully trained before we ran out of pull-ups. (It did take her quite some time to potty train, but we keep her in diapers and just used the pull-ups at the very end.) Julia is a bit of a different story - she has been wanting to go on the potty like her big sister for quite some time now. She is not consistently dry, but loves to be able to pull up her own "panties" and do things herself. With her starting to potty train fairly early, I thought training pants would be a good idea. She has the desire (sometimes) but isn't always dry.

The training pants have been a great transition tool for Julia to be able to feel like she is a big girl, and in the meantime have saved me many puddles on the floor. At the moment, we're still in the process of potty training. Julia goes on the potty when I remind her and take her constantly, but still often wets if I don't get to her at the right moment. She gets involved in her playing and doesn't think about going on the potty. I'm still hopeful that before the baby comes in January we can have her out of diapers.

I will be putting up a separate post for each of the brands and including what we liked or didn't like about each. I have pictures of them all on Julia so you can get an idea of how the fit of each varies. Several of the companies have offered a giveaway or discount code, so if you're in the market for some training pants hopefully this week will be helpful to you. Check back tomorrow for the first review...


  1. We have a pair of the princess jullians closet and we love them!

  2. Thanks for these great reviews. Exactly what I needed this week.

  3. I have fallen in love with the Potty Patty training pants, both regular and waterproofed. For some reason, the nighttime ones, which I tested in the sink and absorbed the most, have never failed to leak on my daughter. But the ones that don't open are wonderful. The child can feel the wetness, and they hold an entire pee so the floor doesn't get wet. They are also far cheaper than most cloth training pants. Unfortunately, for those of us transitioning from cloth diapers, the choice may not be obvious, as they are not carried by most cloth diaper web sites.
