
Monday, August 20, 2012

First Day of School - Fall 2012

I have a third grader and a kindergartener this year!



Monday of last week was our first official day of school for the year.  The girls were getting antsy and asking when we could start.  They do better with some structure and busyness to their day, so I decided to go ahead.  Public schools here begin after labor day, putting us a bit ahead of everyone else's schedule.  However, starting now gives me room to take breaks as needed.  Shorter breaks, spaced throughout the year seem to work well for us.  My mom is coming for a visit in October and we'll take a week off then.  That being said, we've hardly done any schooling over the summer!  We had swimming lessons, a week at a cottage, and a "stay-cation" with Daddy home from work.

Lucy and Julia were excited to dive into their new books, asking to do more pages.  It felt good to be productive and learning again.  I'm still figuring out all of the new books and certainly don't have things running smoothly yet, but its fun.  Today we made an art project helping the girls learn the difference between continent, country, state, city, and so on.

I'll post a more specific list of our curriculum soon.  We got our Compassion Children information in the mail and the girls can't stop talking about their new friends.  I'm also working on putting together our continent boxes.  I'm excited about all that we are going to learn together this year!  Now I have to go check on these guys and make sure they aren't crawling all over the table... (because at one point they were and it involved me screaming, the girls running away, and then me trying to convince them to come back and watch and that I had it all under control, which I didn't...)

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