
Friday, August 17, 2012

Call of a Coward by Marcia Moston

Call of a Coward by Marcia Moston is an interesting true story of the author's time as a missionary in Guatemala.  I read through the book in a day, as it was an easy read and kept my attention.  The book is  written in a story format from the author's point of view.  I appreciated that it was not preachy.

I enjoyed the book.  At some points I felt like there was depth or emotion missing, but I can imagine it was hard for the author to summarize an entire year in the book.  More about what the authors were actually doing in Guatemala would have added clarity as well.  I feel like I kept waiting for some details that just never came.  Overall though I appreciate the author's candid account and willingness to share her experience.  This was an enjoyable book.

I received a complimentary copy of this book through BookSneeze.

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