
Saturday, May 26, 2012

Mei Tai Baby

Isaac loves to be in the mei tai.  He will fuss and fidget all day long, but if I put him in my mei tai, he is perfectly happy and settles down for a two hour nap.  The mei tai (Babyhawk) is super comfy to wear.  I love that I can be hands-free and still meet his need to be held.

My girls were not as happy to be in a baby carrier.  I would put them in one when we were shopping or out and about, but around the house they weren't interested.  They wanted to be held facing out so they could see what was going on.  I think they also felt a little trapped or squished or something.  Isaac loves it though.  He tucks his head in between me and the strap and goes to sleep.  After wearing him for a long nap he is happier and more settled the rest of the day.

The mei tai is definitely my favorite baby carrier right now.  It goes with me everywhere.  I love my mei tai baby!


  1. He sure looks comfy! Hubby always loves using the sling, still does for our tiny Miss 1.

  2. I really like my BabyHawk too. But I find it hurts my back more than my Moby. So I usually still do the Moby (my son is almost 23 lbs now). That is a super cute carrier!

  3. We love our MaiTai too! Starting using it when my son was a few months old (thats when we got it) and then used it up until I got pregnant with #3! I carried my oldest son who was 2 1/2 at the time in it for 3 hours while walking around down town chicago and felt great when we got back to the car.

  4. Sweet baby!! I use our mei tai a lot still! I love it for hikes :)
    Babyhawk rocks! Luke will even wear baby with it! Haha
