
Monday, May 28, 2012

Math Mammoth Review

I like math.  Really, I do.  I want my kids to like math and understand it.

We've been using Singapore math so far (first Earlybird then 1A and 1B).  I liked the idea of it, but feel like we need more practice and explanation.  Lucy was able to complete the math pages with lots of prompting from me, but wasn't understanding the concepts fully.  Heart of Dakota has some hands on ideas we enjoyed that correlate with 1A and 1B.  Even so, part way through 1B we just couldn't go any farther.

I'm not sure how I came across Math Mammoth.  At first I was just looking for some additional practice or help, knowing that we couldn't move on to 2A yet.  I also didn't want to stop math for the summer and have Lucy forget these concepts she was barely hanging on to.  Cathy Duffy gives Math Mammoth a great review.  She compares it to Singapore Math in some ways, and really praises it.  After looking into it, I purchased their level 1 and began right away.

We just started, but so far I love Math Mammoth!  It seems to explain concepts thoroughly and from different angles.  Each page has plenty of problems on it, but remains uncluttered looking.  The beginning of each section contains helpful notes to the teacher, games to play with your child, and links to internet sites with online games relating to the topic.  The teacher/ child games are occasionally scheduled in the textbook also, which is great.

Math Mammoth is available as a download, or as purchased books.  I bought the physical books: worktext 1A, 1B, tests and reviews, and the answer key.  I like that the instruction is contained in the worktext.  (They call it a worktext because its both the textbook and the workbook together.)  We have found it very easy to use.  Even after getting through Singapore 1A and most of 1B, Math Mammoth's level one is a good place for Lucy to be.  She is able to complete the math pages, but it takes some thought.  I'm glad we did not keep going with Singapore Math.  I feel like with Math Mammoth she is going to thoroughly learn the concepts.  If she struggles, I appreciate the additional resources - games, websites, and even an online worksheet maker for additional practice.  Maria, the author, was also quick to respond to an email from me with a question that I had.

If you are interested, definitely take some time to browse the Math Mammoth website.  I found some good information, including how to use an abacus as a teaching aid, and great kindergarten math ideas.  The emails they send out are informative and fun as well. is also run by the author of Math Mammoth and is an amazing resource worth checking out too!  I am very impressed with Math Mammoth and all that it has to offer.

I purchased Math Mammoth on my own and did not receive anything in exchange for this review.

See The Homeschool Curriculum Review Roundup for more reviews.


  1. I think I'm going to try this with Barend. He's doing some of the 1B stuff already, but he still needs some help with subtraction. Thanks for the tip :)

  2. Thanks for the review. I've been wondering about MM. Maybe you can do a follow up later and tell us if you still like it. :)

    1. Definitely! As of right now, I'm still very impressed with it. Lucy is catching on and doing great. MM is very thorough and teaching concept that I feel like Singapore missed.

  3. helpful - thanks for your input

  4. Thanks for your honest review! I have been torturing myself trying to decide between Math U See and Math Mammoth. I think I will go with Math Mammoth. My question is are you happy with the workbooks or do wish you would have done the downloads? Trying to decide...

    1. I do like the workbooks, but I just bought the downloads too. :) Here was my logic:

      I paid $13.55 for one of the worktexts from Rainbow, there are 145 pages in it = about 9 cents a page. So as long as my printing the pages is costing me less than 9 cents a page, the download is a great deal. Plus its reusable then, cutting my cost in half if I reuse it for one child (more kids = more money saved). It also contains clickable links to online games for each chapter and an online worksheet maker.

  5. Thanks! I was thinking I might buy the worktexts, and then get the download for the tests, reviews, and answer keys. We won't get it until after the first of the year... just trying to get my ducks in a row ;-)

  6. Do you need the answer key? Maybe, like Les said above, I could get the physical workbook and downloads for the others. I love having a hard copy with not a lot to print out.

  7. Thanks for your great review. We have been struggling with Math for quite some time with my 7 1/2 year old. We started with Christian Liberty Math then to Ray's Arithmetic. And then to Horizons (a nightmare!). I feel like she should be further along. Then, today I got an email from a homeschool online co-op buy that Math Mammoth was on sale. I said Math who? So I went to their site and then clicked on the reviews and blog links. And it sounds like exactly what I've been looking for!! I think I will purchase the printed copies from Rainbow Resource. I hate printing out lots of pages that I have to hole punch. But putting it in a pretty folder sounds nice too. And maybe downloads will save in the long run since I have 5 children 7.5 and under. Sorry about the rambling. Thanks for your review!!! Sincerely, Sheri

    1. Thanks for commenting, Sheri! Its always so nice to know when someone finds a post helpful. :) I debated about this too and ended up getting the download on a great sale at the Co-op.

  8. Thank you for your review! I am trying to decide between MM and SM, I was thinking of using both. What do you think?

  9. Are you still happy with MM? I am considering ordering it now. Thanks for the review.
