
Sunday, April 8, 2012

Painting Easter Eggs with Q-tips

Happy Easter!  

We dyed and painted Easter eggs last night.  Quite a challenge to keep six little hands, nine cups of dye, twenty-four eggs, and eighteen little paint pots from creating a disaster!  One way that we kept the mess down was to use Q-tips for paint brushes.

We used the new Q-tips Precision Tips Cotton Swabs with pointy ends.  They worked nicely, and I was very happy to not have to wash out paintbrushes countless times.

Some of our artwork:

These Q-tips are a pretty neat must-have craft tool!  We will definitely be keeping them on hand.  They also work well for putting dabs of glue on things or painting hard to reach spots on crafts.  Check out the Q-tips Cotton Swabs Facebook page for news, tips, and a coupon.

In other news, our Easter garden sprouted!  We had a bit of drama with it; the original grass seed refused to grow, we had to replant it with wheat berries, then the wheat started to mold, and the dog ate one of the crosses.  After all that work, I was quite relieved to see this on Easter morning:

We read through the Easter story together and then moved the rock away from the empty tomb!

more about the butterflies later this week...

I was provided with Q-tips® Precision Tips™ cotton swabs, a $25 American Express gift card and information about the product by Rocket XL. All opinions are 100% my own.


  1. So glad you got "grass" to grow over the tomb! It's very pretty.

  2. Q-Tips are so handy! I've had our boys paint with them before. Maybe it's not very eco-friendly, but I just love that they can throw them out! =)

    --Laura S
