
Friday, March 23, 2012

What's In the Diaper Bag?

Isaac and I had our first trip out of the house the other day, to a La Leche League meeting.  It took me a while to figure out what I needed to pack in the diaper bag!  I had been carrying a smaller purse with just an extra diaper for Esther in it, but now I need the bigger bag again.  So, what's in the bag?

(Note: My diaper bag is the medium zip tote from Land's End.  I got it for around $15.  If you keep an eye out they run some great specials.)

nursing cover
changing pad (just a layer of PUL and cotton sewn together)
diaper (cloth diapers and a disposable as a back up extra)
zipper pouch containing:
nursing pads
hand sanitizer
maxi pad
hair tie
and mommy/blog business cards,
fruit leathers
wet bag
spare big sister panties in a ziploc bag
burp cloth
change of clothes

Depending on where I am going, I would grab my ring sling too.  If I am traveling with all three girls, I bring a snack for each, a diaper or two for Esther, and water bottles for all.

Everything packed neatly inside.  

Want to play along?  What are your must-have diaper bag items?


  1. Mine is similar, but usually not anywhere as neat as that. LOL

  2. I haven't carried a diaper bag since Karson has been potty trained. Instead, I just keep a change of clothes for him, and an extra paci in my purse. When he was itty bitty my diaper bag looked a lot like yours. I usually tried to carry an extra shirt for me. When Karson got older I kept a snack and a baggie with crayons and a little notebook for him to color on when we were in the grocery store. We spend a lot of time at my parents. I have found it easier to keep 'extras' of everything at their house as well. He has a change of clothes there, bath necessities, meds, pjs, and extra pacis. Of course, when sister arrives I will be back to bringing everything but the kitchen sink with me again. :)

  3. I don't think my diaper bag ever looked this neat!

  4. Pretty much the same, but diapers and covers for two, plus toys for the baby as she is at the mouthing EVERYTHING in sight stage! I agree with JDaniel's Mom - my diaper bag never looks that neat.

  5. I recently sewed a little drawstring baggie to put my ring sling in. I like to take it with me everywhere, but when I would pull it out to use it, I'd pull out half the stuff in my bag as well as loads of cracker crumbs... It's a lifesaver!
