
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Cloth Diapers In Action (Newborn)

Isaac is 11 days old and is in cloth diapers full time now.  We waited for the meconium to be gone before starting cloth.  At 4 days old, I tried a XS Fuzzi Bunz on him and the fleece ended up sticking badly to his umbilical cord.  It gapped a bit around the legs, but seemed to work okay otherwise.  I went back to the disposables that I could fold down for the cord though.  He was around 7lbs 7oz here:

XS Fuzzi Bunz at 4 days old

At 9 days old we started using BumGenius one size pocket diapers with just the newborn insert.  They have been working well.  The legs are a little bit loose, but the diaper is wide enough that it keeps everything contained.  The inserts are soaked whenever I change him, so we'll have to move up to the regular inserts soon.  He did leak through once at night because I had him in it too long.  The cloth diapers seem much more comfortable on him; the disposables were irritating his legs.  Isaac is about 7lbs 9oz now.

BumGenius one size pocket diaper at 9 days old

BumGenius one size pocket diaper at 11 days old

This one is stuffed with the bigger insert.  You can see it makes him have a puffy bottom, but not too bad.  We didn't have any leaks with this overnight.  (He hates having his diaper changed, so its hard to get good photos!)

Here is the XS Fuzzi Bunz at 11 days old.  It fits nicely.  I'm interested to see how quickly he outgrows it. 

XS Fuzzi Bunz at 11 days old

The Small Fuzzi Bunz is still way too big.  I ended up taking it back off of him because it was huge around the legs.

My little helper and I hung the diapers out in the sun today:



  1. I just love a baby in cloth. Cute cute. That XS Fuzzi looks like a great fit!

  2. We use racks to dry stuff too. I have never seen or heard anyone else do this. Aren't they great! I have helpers too. they can't reach the clothesline, but they can do the racks.
    Love your reviews.

  3. Christy, Thanks for the post. I'm thinking about doing a pocket diapers at night. Do you know if the sized diapers are less bulky then the one size?

    1. Hi Kristen, I guess it depends on which diapers you're comparing. I like the BumGenius one size diapers and don't find them to be too bulky. Well, on a newborn they are, but after that they do fit really nicely. It also depends on what you stuff it with - a hemp insert is nice for nighttime and holds alot, while still being pretty trim fitting. I thought the Fuzzi Bunz one size diaper was a bit baggy and didn't care for it much. Does that help at all? I think a pocket diaper for overnight is a good choice. :)

    2. Thank Christy that does help. Hope you and your little one are doing well!
