
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Kong Puppy Toy Review

Puppies need to be busy!!  Good quality toys are a necessity.  We recently had the chance to review some Kong puppy toys - Poca loves them.  Ok, I love them too because they keep her from chewing up things that she shouldn't.

Right away Poca stole the raccoon and ran off with it.  Its been her little buddy ever since (fitting since her name is Pocahontas).  Even after lots of play, it is holding up well.  There is a knotted rope inside the raccoon that makes it interesting for Poca to chew on.  Its eyes and nose are embroidered on so that no little pieces will come off and harm her.  She likes to play "fetch the raccoon" or just nibble on it.

My girls thought it was super cute that Poca has her own pacifier.  The special Kong shaped treats fit perfectly inside, with just enough sticking out to tempt Poca to chew.  I was impressed that the ingredients in the treats are all natural and good for her.

After giving Poca the pacifier once, I was completely sold on it.  I could hand her a treat and it would be gone in three seconds, or I can put one in here and she can bite and play with this for five or ten minutes instead.  This way she gets the treat, gets a bit of a challenge, and gets to chew on something for a while.

The pink bone is really nice because I can just stick pieces of Poca's food in the ends of it.   She's had an upset tummy a few times, probably from switching her food over or just from settling in to her new home here with us.  I've not wanted to give her any extra treats, but this still works well and because its just her normal food inside, its fine for her to have.

Poca hasn't paid much attention to the frisbee yet, she looses sight of it once its in the air.  Its a nice flexible one though and I think as she gets older it will be great.  The kids and I had fun throwing it to each other anyway.  ;)

Ok, am I the only crazy dog mommy who thinks this is super cool?  There are ice cube trays made just to fit the Kong toys!  Poca will be getting one of these for Christmas to use with her pink Kong.  We can also stuff it with peanut butter, Kong treats, and more.  Once her tummy is settled down we'll be using this often.  There are some fun recipes and games here.

The Kong Wubba toy is fun, only Poca is a total blur when she is playing with it and impossible to photograph!  Its great for playing tug, bite, pull, squeak, etc.  :)

In my opinion, every dog needs a Kong (just check here to see which size).  I like having a variety of them to keep Poca interested and happy.  Kong toys are made in the USA and are a good high quality choice for dogs.  Thanks so much to the Kong Company for sending us these to review!  All opinions expressed are my own.

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