
Saturday, September 14, 2013

Giveaway: Kiki's Nation Towel Clothing

Kiki's Nation contacted me and asked if we would like to review their towel clothing.  My girls were excited to each get a skirt in the mail!

These were great to slip on after swimming to help keep the girls warm.  It also helped keep my lap dry when they wanted to snuggle!

The skirts look well made and held up nicely in the wash.  I received three different sizes, all of which fit perfectly.  I really like the length of these, not too short, but not so long that they got in the way.  There is also a good amount of stretch in the waist, so the skirts aren't constricting at all.

They are a bit pricey, but I can see us getting lots of use out of them.  My girls love wearing skirts and thought it was great fun to put one on after swimming.  :)  Would you like to win one?  Leave a comment and let me know which style and color you would pick!  They have shorts, pants, skirts, and more.  I'll choose a winner Monday evening, the 16th.   Giveaway closed.


  1. Aqua Hibiscus Jammers

    dlatany at gmail dot com

  2. I'd go for the Multi tye dye skirt I little girl loves color!

    fuerniss at hotmail dot com

  3. How neat! I love the money jammers --- in grey --- XL.

  4. I love this skirt for my little girl:
    Thanks for the chance! Rebecca Orr bekki1820cb at gmail dot com

  5. I'd go for the peace sign one! Eva would love it!

  6. Teal Hibiscous Jammers are my favorite, I think...but they are all pretty fun.
