
Thursday, September 5, 2013

Basement Mess to Playroom!

We live in a tiny two bedroom house.  with four kids.  and a dog.

The other day I decided to clean out the girls' bedroom.  I ended up removing most of their toys in order to give them more space and calm.  They still have bins of things stored under their beds, but the toy shelves moved downstairs.  The problem with downstairs was that it looked like... well, you'll see.  It wasn't really useable.  Therefore, my next project was tackling the basement mess.



We bought metal shelving from Costco that completely covered one wall and gave us so much more storage space.

I don't have before and after pictures of the laundry room, but we also added more shelves in there to store food, toilet paper, etc that had all piled up.

I love my clean organized basement; its like adding a whole room to our house!  Thanks to my wonderful husband for working hard all weekend to help me get this done.  :)


  1. Looks great! Love that after-project feeling!!

  2. Christy, that's amazing! I love the little reading cute! I'm sure your children really appreciate all your hard work too. My back porch looks like your before pictures and I keep putting off cleaning it up because we're supposed to be moving soon. Oh, dear.
