
Thursday, July 25, 2013

Humble Heart: A Book of Virtues

We've been enjoying Humble Heart: A Book of Virtues.  This little book is a collection of nine stories, each dealing with a different virtue.  The Humble Bumbles all have names like Lydia Lamb, Percy Pig, Humble Honeybee, and so on.  Each chapter deals with a topic such as humility, thoughtfulness, mercy, courage, and more.  The characters face situations that help them to learn the virtues.

The girls and I read a chapter every morning for a few weeks.  They really enjoyed the book and looked forward to reading it.  The bright pictures are fun to look at, and the stories gave us food for some great discussions.  At the end of each chapter is a verse and a discussion question.  All of the girls (age 7, 5, 3) participated in talking with me about the virtue.  The stories were short enough to hold even Esther's attention (3).  This is a great little book to use for a short family devotional time or just for fun!

Tyndale House Publishers provided me with a free copy of this book to review.

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