
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Curriculum Fall 2013

I've been busy obsessing about homeschool curriculum for the fall!  I always enjoy seeing what other people use and how it all fits together.  So, after lots of thought and researching and overthinking...  here are my plans:

Lucy will be in third grade, 8 years old in the fall.  Julia will be in first grade, 6 years old.  Esther will be 3 1/2 and Isaac 1 1/2.

Together, Lucy and Julia will do:

History - History Odyssey Ancients Year 1 (This is chock full of resources.  Some books we will get from the library, several I've purchased.  You definitely have to check out the website and view the sample pages to see all that is included here.  I also found these games to go along with it.)

ETA: The Homeschool Buyers Co-op has this Highlights Adventures Kit for Ancient Civilizations.  Looks like a great add on for our studies!

Science - REAL Science Odyssey Earth and Space

Bible - I am going to choose from a variety of things that I've wanted to do: the Put On Chart, this Names of God book, or things pulled from For Instruction in Righteousness and Polished Cornerstones.  I still need to sit down and plan this out.

Handwriting - A Reason for Handwriting C (Lucy) and A (Julia)

Spanish - Little Pim, this workbook, and Teach Me Tapes

English/ Spelling/ Phonics -
     Julia - ABeka Letters and Sounds 1, Language 1
     Lucy - ABeka Spelling and Poetry 3, Language 3
     both girls - Bravewriter (I have The Writers Jungle and Jot it Down for me to read through this summer and will be using ideas and lessons from these.)

Reading -
     Julia - is working through The Reading Lesson and Bob books
     Lucy - Sonlight 4/5 readers and comprehension questions (link)
                one or two Progeny Press study guides

Math - Math Mammoth (1A Julia, 2A Lucy)

Music - We are starting piano lessons this summer!  Lucy and Julia also take ballet during the school year.  I have a classical music CD from My Father's World with some activity ideas to do along with it.

Art - I haven't decided how to do this yet.  I bought Enjoying Art Together, we have Artistic Pursuits, I Can Do All Things, and the art program here looks good.  What to do??

Read Alouds - I have so many choices, just need to make a list and start working through them.  Daddy is reading The Chronicles of Narnia to the girls currently.

For the little ones - I will put this in another post.  I've gathered a few things to hopefully keep Esther learning and Isaac entertained for a bit.  :)

Hm... am I missing anything?  What are your fall plans?

For other curriculum plans, see this linky.


  1. This looks great! Funny, I was going to message you to say that the notebook full of Spanish lessons is a workbook that a teacher copied.. it's the same workbook you linked to! Thanks for the link to the Teach Them Diligently Link :) Think we are going to their Mini Conference in August! Happy 4th!!

  2. I don't think you're missing anything at all! Looks great!

    I am starting to incorporate Lifestyle of Learning into our home. It's a slow work in progress. We intend to continue with Queen homschool Language Lessons, McGuffey Readers, Life of Fred, TruthQuest History, and our "regular" daily learning will be the Prairie Primer (which includes Bible and science and so much more).

    1. Sounds great! We just read through all the Little House on the Prairie books recently. My girls are always pretending to be Mary, Laura, and Carrie. Isaac gets to be baby Grace sometimes, lol.
