
Friday, March 8, 2013

Indoor Math Game

There is still plenty of snow on the ground here and most days we are snuggled inside, trying to find something fun to do.  Yesterday I taped this game on the floor and snuck in some math practice too.  The girls loved it!

Each person had a turn to throw three bean bags.  The center was worth 5 points, the next area 3 points, and the biggest area 1 point.  They had to stand off of the rug to throw.  The scorekeeper (we took turns) added up the points from all three throws.  Whoever had the most points won!

It was sweet to hear them being very encouraging to each other.  Lucy even purposely threw her bean bags just right so that Esther would have a turn winning.  :)  Fun!


  1. Was this during Isaac's nap? Our game would become "battle the baby from tearing up the masking tape!!!" We can't do our masking tape letters for LHTH unless Ayla is asleep. :p I usually forget and we don't even do it.

    1. Isaac actually left this one alone! We do have more big sisters to help hold him out of the way than you do though. ;)
