
Friday, November 23, 2012

Truth in the Tinsel

Are you Black Friday shopping?  I've been keeping an eye on the sales online, but haven't purchased much today.  Traditionally we go cut down our Christmas tree every year right after Thanksgiving and today was the perfect do for that.  I'm excited for Christmas with all my little ones, its always so much fun to see it through their eyes.  We are working hard at making things meaningful and conveying the truth behind all that we do during this season.  This year I am going to be using a super fun e-book full of ornament crafts:

Truth in the Tinsel is an advent experience for little ones.  You read a section of the Christmas story and then craft an ornament to go along with it.  Crafts are totally up my girl's alley, and this looks like it was written for their age level!  (I sometimes struggle with finding things that aren't too preschool, but not over their heads either.)  I'm so excited about this!!  There is a Facebook page where you can follow along with others.  Their blog also has some fun ideas on how to set everything up and get it ready to go.  So excited!

If you purchase today, the Black Friday special is that you get the printable ornaments for free.  (Yes, for those days that you don't have extra time to create an ornament, there are printable ones to color.  Awesome!)  :)  Can you tell I'm excited about this?

(I became an affiliate for this because I loved it so much!  If you purchase through my link I will receive a percentage.  Thanks!)

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