
Thursday, November 15, 2012


I got a new sewing machine for my birthday!

My old machine belonged to my grandma.  I love it dearly, but it is starting to break.  The foot pedal gets burning hot after a bit of use, and the instruction manual is unclear and falling apart, making it hard to figure out anything new.  Costco had this Brother machine recently.  (I love shopping at Costco!)  After some research online and a visit to my local sewing machine dealer I decided this would be a good choice.  It was cheaper than the machines sold locally, but appeared to have similar functions.  So far, I am pleased with it.

I have already learned to do a few new things that I didn't know how to before.  (It came with an overlock stitch foot which makes almost like a serged edge, really nice.)  Mind you, I have only used two or three of the million stitch options - I have quite a bit to learn.  The best part about it though, are these buttons, and the sliding knob:

Call me old fashioned, but I did not realize that you could sew without a foot pedal!  These buttons (or the pedal) stop and start the machine.  The sliding bar is the speed control.  If it is all the way to the left, the machine will only stitch very slowly.  Is this all clicking in your mind yet?  Do you remember learning to sew as child and being yelled at for racing the machine?  :)  I can now teach my girls to sew!!!

Lucy and Julia were soooo excited to learn to sew!  I no longer had the problem of needing them to reach the foot pedal, or of being afraid they would make the machine sew too fast!  My mom was in town for a visit and helped the girls get started by sewing a Barbie blanket and pillow.

They both did very well and sewed carefully.  Without having to control the speed or foot pedal, they could concentrate on moving the fabric around and sewing a nice straight line.

Julia was jumping up and down and saying "I'm sewing!  I'm sewing!" ...while sewing.  I laughed and told her to pay attention.  They are both very proud of their Barbie blankets and pillows.  We've also been working on another fun project that I will share later.  :)  I love sewing!


  1. I love crafting...sewing is the one thing that stresses me out! I just call my Mama and ask her to make it for me. :) I really should learn so I can teach Ellary though...:)

    1. My mom helped me get the girls started, I was too chicken to help them!

  2. How fun! I remember learning to sew. It is exciting! I've been thinking I should teach the boys, too. I was just looking at things to buy them for Christmas to start with. Those buttons would be wonderful. When I started I could only use the hand dial to make it go....slow going!! What a wonderful birthday present for so many reasons!!!:)

    1. I love that you are teaching your boys! Check out my next post for a good starter project. ;)

  3. which model of brother s sewing machine did you buy. i need one like that to teach 3 very eager grandaughters. thanks debbie

    1. Hi Debbie! Its a XR1300 from Costco -™-XR1300-Computerized-130-Stitch-Sewing-%2526-Quilting-Machine-with-Wide-Table.product.100007833.html
