
Sunday, November 4, 2012

Evenings At Our House

Ross has been reading the Little House on the Prairie books to the girls for some time now.  Once everyone is ready for bed, we all sit in their bedroom and listen to him read a chapter or two.  All of us look forward to this time of night.  When Ross is gone overnight for work, or arrives home late, things can be a bit hectic.  It can be hard for me to read when Isaac is wanting to nurse and snuggle to sleep.  I've started putting on a Jim Weiss story on CD for them to listen to.  The girls absolutely LOVE these!  We have Uncle Wiggly's Storybook, Animal Tales, and A Collection of Just So Stories.

Jim Weiss has such a great storytelling voice, and the stories are just plain fun!  I am not sure if I could even tell you the girls' favorites as they love them all.  They listen intently, giggle out loud, and chatter about the stories throughout the day.  The Tortoise and the Hare always makes them laugh when the Hare talks really fast.  Giggly Biggly (on Animal Tales) is often requested, but they love to listen to any of the stories over and over again.  I had an Uncle Wiggly book as a child, so its fun to hear those stories again.

Greathall Productions has recordings for little ones on up to adults.  I like that they are grouped by age on the website so that I can easily see what would appeal most to my sensitive girls.  Although I initially thought some of the stories might be scary (Uncle Wiggly and the Lion, The Three Billy Goats Gruff), they have all been fine, even for bedtime.   There is also a page on the website that lists the CD titles according to subject (Ancient History, Mythology, etc).  This is a great resource for adding the titles in to school studies.  We will be listening to Jim Weiss for many years to come.

I am ordering several CDs as Christmas gifts for the girls.  (no batteries needed, doesn't take up lots of space, provides plenty of entertainment, two thumbs up from mom!)  They are also available as digital downloads.

We received Animal Tales and Uncle Wiggly's Storybook free of charge for review, and we're hooked.  Thanks Greathall Productions!

1 comment:

  1. We are on our last LHOTP book, Farmer Boy! We love these as read alouds!

    Thanks for sharing this review. I had not heard of these before, but perhaps I will buy a couple as Christmas gifts for Evan! :)
