
Monday, August 6, 2012

Shopping and Record Keeping

Saturday morning I left the big girls at home with Ross and took Isaac to Target.  He napped in the Ergo and I wandered around finding fun school supplies.

The $1 bins had flashcards: flags of the world, animals, landmarks (these will all go in our continent boxes), US states, presidents, and US facts.  I couldn't resist picking up stick-on wiggly eyes, pipe cleaners, and pocket charts.  There was also a little book of Australian animals that will be great for our continent boxes.

At Office Max I picked out my pretty purple planner, and got some free pencils.  I use the planner, not really to plan, but more for record keeping.  I write in it what we do each day.  The entries look something like this:

math - 2 pages
spelling test - all correct!
art project - painting fall trees

I try to scribble down things like field trips, library days, and other educational type things we might do as a family.  Thankfully we live in a state that doesn't require extensive records, so this works for us.


  1. I might just do the same thing for record keeping. Thanks! Love the cute planner!

    1. :) A friend showed me this idea when we were first getting started. It just made so much sense!

  2. Great ideas! Another great planner on for just $10 is The Homeschoolers Journal. Love it and have used one every year I have homeschooled. We too live in a state that doesn't require any record keeping, but I do just in case. Happy new school year!
