
Saturday, June 9, 2012

CSA: Week 1

This is our third year participating in a CSA.  CSA = Community Supported Agriculture, meaning we have a farm that we pay at the beginning of the year and then get to pick up fresh organic veggies once a week.  I love our CSA.  From growing flowers to take to an adult care center, to growing veggies right in the middle of the city, Eighth Day Farm has such a great heart and vision behind all that they do.  Our girls love going to the CSA!

Look how little they were last summer!

The first year, it was quite intimidating learning what to do with all of the veggies.  Some of them we had never even heard of before!  (kohlrabi? bok choy?)  I learn a little more each time.  Over the summer I will post a few updates including what veggies we get, how we use them, some recipes, and more.

This week we got:

4 bok choy
10 garlic scapes
14 green onions
12 radishes
4 kohlrabi
6 lettuce

We used a bok choy, some green onions, garlic scapes, and kohlrabi to make stir fry right away.  I chopped the rest of the bok choy, blanched, and froze it.  I've used some of it out of the freezer already for making soup.  This potato salad is amazing with garlic scapes.  The radishes and the rest of the kohlrabi Ross will eat with ranch dip.  Some of the lettuce, green onions, and garlic scapes went home with my mother in law.  We had salads with dinner a few times this week and it was wonderful!  So fresh tasting!

I think I did pretty well using things up this week.  My only question was whether or not to save the kohlrabi leaves.  I did, but am not sure what to use them in.  Any ideas?  Are you part of a CSA?

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