
Saturday, April 21, 2012

Baby Boy Toys

I've been having some funny conversations with Ross lately about what boys like.
"Do all boys like dinosaurs?"
"Boys like cars and trucks, right?"
"What about robots?  Do most boys like those, or just some?"

I don't know why, but I feel lost when it comes to the topic of boy things.  Baby dolls, princesses, crafts .... I can do those!  I feel like I'm in for quite an adventure though having a little boy!

I've been having fun browsing my favorite websites and making lists of things that Isaac might like.  Of course we'll need some cars and trucks, maybe a pounding toy, and a knight puzzle?  We already own quite a few baby toys that he will like: Max, various Haba clutching toys, and more.

I just couldn't resist getting him this sweet little Nicki baby, in blue of course.  It is soft and lightweight, and very well made.  The girls think it is adorable; I keep finding him tucked in by Baby Isaac wherever he is.  I probably won't be buying him many more baby dolls, but he needs to learn to be a good Daddy someday!  ;)

What are your little boy's favorite things?

Julabug is one of our favorite natural toy stores to shop at.  They sent us the Nicki baby for review.  All opinions are of course my own.


  1. Blocks. My boys love to build. And consequently knock down.

    Anything with wheels. Especially big trucks or construction vehicles. Oh and trains.

    And anything that makes noise. Or could be used to bang things and make noise.

    Dinosaurs are cool, but not huge hit when they were little. Now they love digging for fossils and such.

    Robots-Jaime is making one for a recycling project at school. So they have been pretending to be robots.

    Landon has a wooden car teether that the big boys will play with him in the high chair with. They try and get him to play with it like a car, but he's more interested in chewing on it and banging it.

  2. It's amazing how quickly they learn to move a car and magically make the appropriate sounds! It'll be interesting to see if Isaac learns it in a house full of sisters as Kaleb did in a house full of brothers:) Brio trains, pounding toys, cars, trucks, yes, legos when they get older...normal baby toys, too. Kaleb also loves animals. Isaac looks so sweet. Hope everything is going well!

  3. You do have that marble block thing.. that will be great when he gets older!

    For outside you will need balls and bats and the girls might start getting into the whole sport thing too! :)

    Animals. Tools. firemen, policemen, hero type figures. oh and diego instead of dora. Bugs.

    Boys like to play in the play kitchens when they are little too. They just do it differently.

  4. I can completely relate!! After 3 girls, Wyatt has been an adventure! He's almost 15 months and LOVES anything that rolls - cars, trains, trucks, balls. I swear he learned to play "pass the ball" SO much earlier than the girls. I have had the best time picking out boys toys!!!!
    Vanessa Bontempi JJG

  5. My little guy fell in love with all things trains at 18 months and a year later, we are still loving all things trains. Blocks and puzzles are big hits too. He loved the Haba Zoo blocks when he got old enough to stack.

  6. ...any toy Karson can't turn into something to stand on and yell "1, 2, 3 JUMP!" Aside from that-we stick to toys that keep him little-nothing with skulls, no weapons...etc. Karson's favorite toys are trains, puzzles, and anything little he can manipulate. And of course, anything he can stand on & jump off of. :)

  7. plain dirt with plenty of buckets :)

  8. Caleb (2 1/2) loves anything automotive - trucks and trains especially. Green Toys has some great toys along these lines that are incredibly durable and easy for his hands to handle. He also loves to play with the kitchen set right alongside Lillian (almost 5) - his favorite toy in the kitchen is the Melissa & Doug set of cookies and cookie sheet.

  9. My brother, Daniel, was the first boy after 3 girls just like Isaac. He turned our "girl toys" into "boy toys". Like hitting our plastic eggs from the kitchen set with a wooden spoon before he really even knew what baseball was about! :) I've never met a little boy that didn't like anything with, trucks, tractors. Have fun!
