
Saturday, March 10, 2012

Cloth Diapers: Our Newborn Stash

I wrote this post before baby arrived.  He is still in disposables at the moment, but we will start using cloth soon.  I'll be sure to snap some photos to post!

Esther's cloth diapers have all been through three kids and are about done for, so I bought new ones this time around.  I watched Black Friday sales and other deals and got these at great prices.  I'll admit the stash looks pretty boyish, but I couldn't very well buy pink in case we have a boy.  Blues and greens work either way.  If we have a girl I am going to order the lovelace print and a couple of pinks to round out the colors.

On the top shelf are mostly BumGenius one size snap pocket diapers.  On the right are size small Fuzzi Bunz and the tiny one in the front is an xsmall Fuzzi Bunz.  I have two of those and they are oh so cute!  The BumGenius are all set to the newborn size with just the newborn insert stuffed in them for now.

The bottom shelf holds prefolds, size one Seventh Generation disposables (for the first week), a couple of covers and fitted diapers, toddler size prefolds (to use as changing pads), and boxes of cloth and disposable wipes.  I am definitely a pocket diapering momma, but have prefolds and fitteds on hand just in case baby's tiny legs do not fit well in the pocket diapers at first.  I also like them for back-up, when diaper laundry is not done on time.  The prefolds are organic yellow edge GMDs, my absolute favorite.  I love how they are sized shorter than other prefolds and fit so much better.  The covers that I have are Thirsties Duo Wrap size one with snaps.

The BumGenius will last us all of baby's diapering years!  I have a couple of Medium Fuzzi Bunz that are probably still good that baby will use eventually too.  I have tried various sized fitteds and other brands over the years but am happy with our simple pocket stash now.  I love having all snap diapers - no more icky velcro that doesn't stay on and gets nasty in the wash.

If you're curious: I went through and added up my receipts from the various orders.  For 17 Bumgenius, 1 Thirsties cover, 2 xs Fuzzi Bunz, a pail liner, wet bag, and 5 small Fuzzi Bunz (like new from a friend) I spent a total of $297.26  Part of that was funded by selling other cloth diapers that I had and didn't want.  Everything but the small Fuzzi Bunz were purchased new from online stores.  I already had the prefolds, fitteds, and cloth wipes from last time.

Even if you were new to cloth diapering and had to purchase a few more items, you would still be saving sooo much money over disposables!  Oh, and I still have enough rewards money from Abby's Lane to get two free Bumgenius in pink if I end up needing them.  ;)  For a premium stash that will last all of baby's diapering years, I'm happy with the total.  Because the diapers are all new, I'm sure they'll last through one or two more children as well.  (That would cut the cost of diapering down to $150 or $100 per child!)

I think we're all set!  Now to have a baby to put these diapers on!  Of course I will post newborn fluffy bottom photos just as soon as I can.  :)

1 comment:

  1. We used plain white cotton washcloths as diapers when they were newborns, because the others were just too big for their little bottoms :) it worked great, of you don't want to keep purchasing disposables.

