
Sunday, February 5, 2012

33 weeks

Some days I feel like I have a looong way to go yet with this pregnancy.  The baby feels huge and I am exhausted and out of shape.  Other days I feel like I have a ton yet to do and my due date is quickly approaching.  I warned Ross last week that nesting was probably about to begin soon.  He is usually a pretty good sport about helping me get things done and ready for the baby.

To Do:

- Keep taking my vitamins: prenatals, fish oil, and red raspberry leaf tea (steeped for two hours, blech).  Add in evening primrose oil and more tea at 36 weeks.

- Finish gathering items for my birth kit and put a waterproof cover on the mattress.  I was able to run out this weekend and gather a few things.  I also just placed an order with Vitacost for Earth Mama Angel Baby (nipple butter, bottom balm, etc.), Seventh Generation pads, and misc things.

- Make and freeze meals for after baby arrives.  My goal is to freeze at least one a week starting now.  Or maybe I just need to have one big baking day and do it all at once?  I should at least make a list of what I want to freeze and go from there.

- Sort out neutral baby clothes and wash them.  Figure out where to put them.  This may involve reconfiguring the dresser situation in the girls' bedroom and changing how I store their clothes.  I don't know, we're about out of space in our tiny house.  I need to think of a creative solution!

- Choose names!!  We have a few that we like, but nothing is settled on.

- Make a few more baby purchases: the co-sleeper, sheets, and a portable swing.  First we have to get the box spring and frame for our own bed, then I can measure the height and order the co-sleeper.  We got a nice new mattress this past fall, but its been on the floor so far until we could decide what kind of bed frame to get.

- Organize and wash cloth diapers.  Figure out where to put these as well.  Take inventory and decide if I need to buy anything else.  Maybe another cover or two?  I'll have to post a newborn cloth diaper stash photo soon.  :)

Eeek, what else am I forgetting?  This is just my "baby to do" list, then there is everything else I would like done - the bedroom organized, - school papers all filed and sorted, - the basement playroom cleaned, ... and so on.  Nesting has definitely begun!


  1. awesome! We are 9 weeks apart :) I feel exactly like this with this baby. So far yet so close. It seems like time is flying! We are planning a home birth this time around, any tips? My list looks similar to yours :)

    1. Oooh, how exciting! I'm really looking forward to my homebirth this time, we loved it! :) Its so much less stressful than thinking about going to the hospital and worrying about what they might or might not do to the baby (and me!). I can't really think of any specific tips, just enjoy! :)

    2. Awesome! We are really looking forward to it as well. My husband was never open to it until this pregnancy and there was absolutely no hesitation :) Our midwife lives two blocks down :)

    3. :) Sounds like she'll actually make it to the birth then! lol Don't read your hubby Esther's birth story... ;)

  2. Did you already post what swing you're getting? I'm looking to get one for my kiddo due in June... I've seen a few (low) prices I like, but I know nothing about the actual swings.

    Good luck getting it all done!

    1. The Bright Starts Comfort and Harmony Portable swing is on my wishlist from Amazon. Its cheaper than some others and gets good reviews. I haven't actually used it, but my friend has and likes it.

  3. I have freezer meals left on my list too. I am planning on taking a day to freeze as many meals as I can think of. Although, every time I make a meal that can be frozen, I just make double and freeze half of it. I think we are pretty much set for the baby, just need to pick up some postpartum items for me, and get all of Karson's stuff organized for his Aunts and Nana & start writing his schedule...which is going to take me a long time! :)

  4. I love that picture! Have fun! Take one thing at a time. :)

  5. What a nice picture. It will be fun to have in the future. I can't believe the time has gone so quickly! Enjoy Nesting!

  6. With my last pregnancy, I just made either double batches or dinners or recipes that served a lot of people and froze all the leftovers in different size containers - some enough for family, others enough for two for lunch. my daughter is 3 months old and I've still got some meals in the freezer for 'those' days! good luck on your list!

  7. I love getting ready for a new baby, but it is exhausting at times! Here's a tip for getting those meals in the freezer: I try to double the amount I make for dinner and put half in the freezer. It doesn't really take much more time to make two of the same meal.

    1. Ha, I posted this before I read all the other comments...looks like everybody else has the same idea. :)

  8. So jealous that you have the courage to do a homebirth. I would love to do one, but I don't think I will ever have enough confidence to do it outside of a hospital.
