
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Fun Felt! (and a Giveaway)

We recently discovered a great new toy that any little girl would love - felt dress-up dolls!  My girls were thrilled to receive a package of dolls, clothes, and a camping background set to review from Story Time Felts.

I am extremely impressed with the color and quality of these.  All of the designs are bright and clear, and they are soft.  They don't feel painted or like the printing will rub off at all.

The dolls are thick and sturdy enough that the girls can hold them and play with them.  You can kind of see in this picture how thick they are:

Each of the sets comes with a number of outfits and accessories, enough to entertain my girls for quite some time.  I love all of the detail on each piece!

The camping background set is very durable and stands up on its own:

Again, I love all of the attention to detail!  A fire, a marshmallow roasting stick, and even smores to feed the dolls.  The set definitely has all of the pieces we need to make up stories and pretend play.

We haven't tried it yet, but the dolls and clothes are washable.  Story Time Felts offers plenty of other sets - math, science, activity books, story based sets, and more.  Its great to see the girls fine motor skills at work as they enjoy these sets.  I love how open it leaves everything to their imaginations.  Of course, I checked, and these are made with non-toxic dyes right here in the US.

Would you like to win a set?  One person will receive a boy and girl doll set and a set of clothes, winner's choice!  To enter the giveaway you may do any of the following:  (Please leave a separate comment for each entry.  Also, leave an email address so that I can contact you.)
- like Fun Felt on Facebook
- browse the website and tell me your favorite item
- follow my blog or email subscribe
- share about this giveaway on Facebook or your blog
You may do any or all of these, for a possible 4 entries.  The giveaway will close on January 28th at midnight.  Good luck!

*Now closed.  Congrats Susan - fjvsusan...!*


  1. I really liked Aesop's Fables Activity Book and CD from their website!

  2. I like Fun Felt on FB
    Kimberly Schotz

  3. I like There Was an Old Woman Who Swallowed a Fly

  4. Email follower

  5. I liked the travel games, but maybe that is because we've spent too much time on the road lately. They all look fun

  6. I like the Old Woman Who Swallowed a Fly

  7. I've followed your blog for a long time!

  8. These are great! I love the scripture/bible story ones and the armor of God set.


  9. I love the religious ones because I can add that to our Bible time. Those are the things I really want my kids to remember

  10. I like a lot from their website. The bible ones, the monster ones, but I think I like the camping set the best. My boys would love them!

  11. like fun felt on fb
    rjs682 at yahoo dot com

  12. I like the dress up weather bear
    rjs682 at yahoo dot com

  13. email subscriber
    rjs682 at yahoo dot com

  14. I like Fun Felt on fb(Vanessa J)

    jewelsntreasures (at) yahoo (dot) com

  15. I love the Music Education Felt Board and CD.

    jewelsntreasures (at) yahoo (dot) com

  16. I subscribe to you via email.

    jewelsntreasures (at) yahoo (dot) com

  17. Cute!
    I subscribe to your blog by e-mail.
    fjvsusan at yahoo dot com

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I like funfelt on FB
    tmc480 at yahoo dot com

  20. I subscribe to your emails
    tmc480 at yahoo dot com

  21. like fen felt on FB
    ryanac32 at yahoo dot com

  22. email subscriber
    ryanac32 at yahoo dot com

  23. I liked them on FB!
    hartlandmama at yahoo dot com

  24. The Toy Counter Math Set looks like a great set!
    hartlandmama at yahoo dot com
