
Thursday, December 22, 2011

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!  Here is a little update on our busy growing family:
Lucy: 6, loves coloring, drawing, and her ballet class.  She enjoys being homeschooled and does especially well at reading and handwriting.  Lucy is a wonderful big sister and can often be found reading to the little ones or helping them with something.
Julia: 4, has a very caring heart and loves to make people laugh.  She is learning to read and enjoys crafts.  Playing Barbies, listening to stories, and imaginative pretend play are some of her favorite things.  Julia is often our entertainment at the dinner table and loves coming up with silly things to say.
Esther: almost 2, loves her sisters “Dewey” and “Woocy”.  She is always giving hugs and loves to snuggle.  She is quite a content little girl and enjoys playing with baby dolls or Playmobil.  She talks very well for her age and loves to laugh and be silly.  Esther is usually tagging right along with whatever her sisters are doing. 
Baby: due March 23.  Gender will be a surprise.  :)
Christy: loves being a mommy.  She enjoys baking, trying new recipes, and of course blogging.  Teaching the girls and being home with them keep her plenty busy as well.
Ross: is a producer for a film company in the area.  Work keeps him busy, but a certain three little girls have him wrapped around their pinky fingers and always run to greet him with big hugs when he gets home.
We hope this finds you well and wish you all the best in the new year!
The Vande Waas


  1. What sweeties you have! Merry Christmas! (Kristin from the HOD board). :)

  2. I love the picture. All pink! hmmm, perhaps you'll be adding a spark of blue soon. or more pink! :)
