
Thursday, November 10, 2011

My Favorite Baby Things

Continuing the baby theme this week, here are some of my absolute favorite things for baby (and mom).  While there are plenty of baby things that we do not need or use, I do enjoy having quality items that are well made and make life easier.  In no particular order:

- floppy seat - I remember debating for a long time about buying this because of the high price.  It is totally worth it!  We keep our floppy seat in the car and use it almost every time we go in to the grocery store, and when eating out too.  I'm not a huge germaphobe, but this is a must have!  (I've seen other cart covers that do not cover the whole cart area, this one does.)

- washable breast pads - I have tried and leaked through plenty of reusable nursing pads.  These are awesome, even for those early days, and do not leak at all.  I have several pairs and would never use anything else.  They are also much softer than paper disposable pads.

- Earth Mama Angel Baby - These are must haves: natural stretch oil, mama bottom balm, new mama bottom spray, and natural nipple butter (sooo much softer than lanolin!).  Their hand to toe body wash is very nice as well.  All of their products are rated 0 in the Skin Deep database, which is awesome.

- aden + anais swaddling blankets - Once you've used one of these, other receiving blankets seem like a joke in comparison.  These are lightweight, huge, and very multipurpose.  I recommend having several so that you don't run out before laundry day.  (Again, a bit of a high price tag, but definitely worth it.)

Bravado body silk nursing bra - I've tried plenty of nursing bras and these are hands down my favorite.  I wear them all the time and they are very comfortable and well made.

- Mommy Necklace - Total must have!  A nursing necklace is awesome for keeping baby focused on nursing and for stopping little pinching fiddling hands.  Mommy Necklaces are well made and come in plenty of different designs.

- cloth diapers - This could be a whole separate post, but we really like using cloth diapers.  My favorite are the BumGenius One Size snap pocket diapers.

- soft shoes - I keep my kids in bare feet for as long as possible.  Robeez are great for beginning walkers, or even just for keeping socks on in the cold winter months.  I've tried other brands, but Robeez seem to work best for us.

- baby carriers - Having a baby carrier in general is a must have, especially with older children to care for.  My favorites are a ring sling for the newborn stage, and then I use an Ergo and a homemade mei tai once they are a bit older.

- burp cloths - I made some by taking a cotton prefold and sewing a layer of flannel down the middle (a real one, not a cheapy one from the store).  These are the best burp cloths ever, so absorbent and cute!  There is a picture of one here.

Hmm, that's all I can think of for now.  What are your favorite baby items?


  1. love your list...mine would match pretty closely!

  2. A sleepy wrap of moby, and Ergo/Beco for when they are older, a sound machine, and a video monitor. I used all those things on a daily basis for 4+ years.
