If you read my cloth training pants reviews, you'll know that Julia is working on potty training. She is making progress, but still wets heavily at night. We have tried several different cloth diaper solutions, and most recently were using a disposable with a wool cover over top because she was even leaking through the disposable! I got tired of buying disposable diapers and went searching for a good nighttime cloth diapering option. One diaper that I saw recommended over and over again was the Very Baby Simply Nights by Tallulah Baby.
Tallulah Baby is run by a grandmother, granddaughter, aunt team all working together. LaVon sews the diapers, Jessica owns and operates the website, and Suzanne helps out with answering email questions and shipping orders. Tallulah is a nickname that LaVon had for Jessica when she was little, and ended up being a perfect name for the website. Tallulah Baby sells a full line of pocket diapers, fitteds, all in ones, covers, and more.
We were graciously given a Simply Nights cloth diaper to review. There are a few different options when ordering - we chose bamboo fabric with an extra doubler, stay dry microfleece, and front snaps. I had never used a bamboo diaper before, and am impressed with how soft it is, even after being washed several times. Julia calls this her soft diaper (she also really likes the giraffe on the front). The microfleece lining is wonderful, it covers the soaker pad and entire diaper, including the wings and everything, so that baby really stays dry. We chose a Medium- Long and it fits well with some room to grow. (Julia is 2 years old and weighs about 22 lbs.)
The diaper is constructed with the soaker part being two different layers (plus the booster is a third layer if you choose that) so that you have the body of the diaper, and snapped on top is a two part soaker. I really like this set up because it allows the diaper to wash well and dry quickly. Here is photo of the layers:
The most recent setup we've been using was a disposable with a wool cover over top. It held Julia's super pee, but I got tired of paying for disposables. As for other cloth diapering options, we tried a pocket diaper with an added hemp doubler inside. I used a BumGenius One Size pocket diaper and added a Babykicks Joey Bunz hemp insert, plus two microfiber inserts, and then we even tried a wool cover over top of that. I don't think Julia leaked through this, but she got red and irritated from wearing it all night. I think that the PUL of the pocket diaper just held in the wetness too much. She hasn't had problems with the Simply Nights fitted diaper and the wool, there's just a bit more breathability that helps. We have also tried a Happy Hempy fitted diaper stuffed with hemp and microfiber, again with the wool cover. That set up works too, but Julia totally waddles in that because the diaper is so thick.
The Very Baby Simply Nights is my favorite night time diaper setup because its breathable, but absorbent enough to last the night, soft, and not too thick through the legs. In the picture above, you can see that it gaps a bit at the legs, and I was worried about it leaking. We haven't had any trouble, and I think the gap is just because the soakers inside are so thick. The bamboo is so soft though that even though its very thick, its squishy enough that Julia doesn't have to waddle when she wears it. Overall we like the fit of this diaper very much.
If you'd like to try one on your own child, Tallulah Baby is giving one person a Simply Nights diaper in bamboo with microfleece lining and front snaps. The winner will be able to choose the size. To enter the giveaway, leave a comment on this post being sure to include your email address. For another entry, blog about the giveaway and leave me a link in a comment. The giveaway will close on December 2nd at midnight, and I will use random.org to choose the winner. Thanks for stopping by!
**This giveaway is now closed and a winner has been contacted. Thanks for the interest.**
This looks like an interesting nighttime solution. Henry is the same age as Julia, and so like you we are down to diapers just at night and naps, and *most* nights our super stuffed fuzzi bunz does the trick, but he could really do with something more breathable.
ReplyDeleteI just named my new baby girl Julia! I'm interested in night time solutions for my new baby once she starts sleeping longer stretches. Right now we use pocket diapers for dd, which works okay, but I'm interested in fitted and covers. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteruth dot gray at gmail dot com
I love a good bamboo fitted for nighttime! I looked at these when searching for a nighttime solution, but never purchased one. I love my Pampered Cheeks fitteds, but it'd be great to try one of these!
ReplyDeleteI would love to win this! We really need a good nighttime solution!
ReplyDeleteI would love to try this nighttime diaper. Ruby is pretty much trained during the day, but wearing diapers at night.
What a great idea! Our current BumGenius diapers give my son a rash every time he wears them. Potty training is just around the corner--perhaps a month or two. I would be so delighted to set him up for success with this cool product. fun.mom.cheratgmaildotcom
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like a good option. I could never find something that lasted the night.
ReplyDeleteI need an over night diaper that works. I'm using disposables for everyone at night and cloth during the day. I haven't found something successful yet in 5yrs. I'm open to trying just about anything right now.
ReplyDeleteI blogged about your give away on my blog. http://our-domestic-church.xanga.com/716388675/cloth-diapering-momscheck-this-out/
ReplyDeleteLooks neat!
ReplyDeletewohltmannm2 (at) winthrop (dot) edu
My son is two and cloth diapers are the only leak proof overnight solution I have found. I have never tried bamboo, but would love to. Currently I use pocket diapers (micro fiber) & tri folds.
ReplyDeleteandrea.kruse at gmail dot com
I've been looking for a good nighttime diaper! irene dot mark at shaw dot ca
ReplyDeleteI'm interested in trying a cloth diaper for overnights. My son is 9 months and a heavy wetter, so I've been scared to do cloth overnight. But I would definitely like to give this one a try!
Nighttime diapers are always good to learn about! I don't have to worry about nighttime leaks right now (baby is only 2 months) but just today a friend told me she is having trouble finding a nighttime solution for her daughter. Thanks for entering us!
We desperately need to find an effective night time diaper. I am in the process of trying a hemp prefold wrapped around a microfiber insert pinned and then a PUL cover. So far we are on day 3 and I have started a load of laundry every morning. Its not going well! I would love you win this and try one out!
ReplyDeleteI would love to try this diaper - either for the new baby or the dd still in diapers.
These look great! Pooka has started waking up soggy which is no fun for either of us, so I'd love to give these a spin! :)
OOhh me me me me! We are soo desperate to find something! We've been using a Crickett's fitted for about 2 months now on our 1 yo and he's hollering through the night bc of itchies and rashes..ew! I put a sposie on him until I can find something that holds his heavy-wetting and is stay-dry. We would appreciate this immensely! kspelgirl@aol.com
ReplyDeleteThis cloth diaper looks great. I'd love to enter the drawing.
i would love to win this diaper! we're expecting twins so now i have to up my stash. i don't have any bamboo diapers yet... i'd love to give one a try!
ReplyDeleteheatheranya at hotmail.com
These look like great diapers, i would love to win one to try :) Can Canadians enter? If so please enter me.